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Monday, June 29, 2009

The Signs and Indicates of Pregnancy

Pregnancy calls for onset of mixed feelings with its each sign of pregnancy Women tend to be extremely elated as well feel tremendous anxiety and depression. If you are expecting or planning for pregnancy, these pregnancy symptoms give hint if you are advancing towards pregnancy. When the pregnancy is not planned, early pregnancy symptoms help women take their decision.

However, amongst all the probable signs of pregnancy, which should herald the rest of the symptoms cannot be predicted as they vary extremely. Not just the sequence of pregnancy symptoms, the intensity of those tends to range from dramatic to subtle from one woman to another. Many of pregnant women have reported to experience more than one signs of pregnancy – many notice a combination of two, three or multiple first pregnancy symptoms. Now get to know what are the possible symptoms through which you can detect a new life is being implanted in your body. It is the first sign of pregnancy that tells a woman to be prepared for pregnancy or how to go ahead with pregnancy. Expecting mothers are advised to keep themselves as healthy as possible as she must be prepared for myriad duties to be taken and to be done in the midnight after childbirth such as change of diapers, feeding at odd hours, insufficient sleeping etc.

What Are The Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Following are some of the usual symptoms pregnant women are likely to experience.

Missed period is considered as one of the surest signals of pregnancy. Women who are planning for pregnancy are found to wait for an overdue period to be confirmed about their pregnancy. However, relying on this single sign of pregnancy is not advised by doctors anymore, as some other factors can effect in a delayed period. Moreover, if you wait for this symptom, you might have to wait a couple of weeks to a month for finding signals of pregnancy. Look for other symptoms of pregnancy that might surface within a few days after conceiving.

Tender Breasts is one of the signs of pregnancy that may occur after a few days within conception takes place. You may notice the breasts to become more sensitive than before and feels sore and tender. They not only seem tenderer, they can be a bit enlarged than earlier. There is one more symptom to be noticeable as the pigmented area surrounding the nipples or areola. The areola tends to darken in the very early trimester of pregnancy.

Vaginal Spotting is an early sign of pregnancy that takes place because of the implantation of the fertilized eggs in the uterus. As the fertilized egg gets adhered to the inner walls of uterus, it results in slight bleeding through vagina. The bleeding usually accompanies a bit cramping in abdomen and appears pinkish in color. This may last for about 2 to 3 days. However, if the bleeding is heavy and cramping seems to intensify, may signal severe pregnancy complications like miscarriages or ectopic pregnancy. Rush to your doctor if you notice such symptom.

You may also be prone to expect morning sickness or increased feeling of nausea, increased body temperature, tremendous fatigue etc. You may witness one of the many signs of pregnancy at a time or a combination of two, three or even more than that.
By Apurva

Friday, June 26, 2009

Problems of Hair loss and Baldness

Hair is the most important part of the human body when it comes to defining your outlook, youth, sexuality and of course fashion. With increase in age, one tends to lose hair thus leading to a marked impact on his persona in totality. It’s a common feature amongst men and women starting with thinning of hair line followed by appearance of a thinned or bald spot. Given a chance, anybody affected with it will like to come out at the soonest, no matter what the cost. So, if you are worried and want to know about cure for hair loss or cure for baldness, continue reading.
An average person loses about 50 to 100 strands of hair on a daily basis. Growth of new hair makes up for this lost of hair. With increase in age, the growth of new hair stops or slows down resulting in hair loss and further to baldness. Hair growth follows a definite cycle in your body and at times, it may get disturbed due to external conditions resulting in baldness. Improper hair care, unbalanced diet, medications, heredity and certain diseases may cause premature hair loss and baldness.
Alopecia or baldness is different in male and females. While males develop baldness in such a way that their scalp is visible, females have thinning of hair all over the head less on the frontal region. Before opting for any type of cure for baldness, it is advisable to go for a biopsy of the skin area to ascertain the cause of baldness. It helps the hair loss doctor to advice you the desired cure for baldness.
Every hair restoration clinic are flooded with people who want to undergo baldness cure. The increase in interest of the environment has given a new lease of life to hair loss doctors as fashion reformers. Today, hair replacement surgery has numerous takers. A number of hair replacement techniques are available on date to cater for baldness treatment. Some of the important hair replacement techniques that generally are adopted by hair restoration clinic are as follows.
Hair transplantation: It involves baldness treatment by relocating fresh and healthy hair from the back of the head and neck. These hairs are removed along with scalp grafts to ensure that they grow at the relocated place. In the final phase they are planted in the bald or thinned area. It requires a great degree of expertise and may take numerous sessions and weeks depending upon the growth of hair and the area of baldness.
Flap surgery: A very common technique employed by hair loss doctors for treatment of baldness of a large area is the flap surgery. In this process, a portion of hair bearing skin is placed in the area of baldness and allowed to grow naturally. The process is slow but generally tends to give good results.
Scalp reduction: It is a type of baldness treatment in which the bald portion of the scalp is reduced by pulling the scalp bearing hair from either side. The bald portion may be removed depending upon the area and type of the baldness.
Tissue expansion. : It is a complex process performed by the hair restoration clinic on a selective basis. It involves placement of a tissue expander device underneath a hair growing area. This device stimulates growth of new cells which are further transplanted in the bald area. These cells lead to hair growth in the bald area.
As it is evident from the above, baldness no more remains an impossible syndrome. The various type of hair replacement surgery available has added new dimensions to baldness treatment. All that one has to do is to move to the nearest hair restoration clinic and seek advice from the hair loss doctor. Opt for one of the treatments that may be helpful for you and reap the dividends.
By Sashi

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Protect And Prevent of Swine Flu

What is swine flu?

Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses that causes regular outbreaks in pigs. People do not normally get swine flu, but human infections can and do happen. Swine flu viruses have been reported to spread from person-to-person, but in the past, this transmission was limited and not sustained beyond three people.

Is this swine flu virus contagious?

The US CDC has determined that this swine influenza A virus is contagious and is spreading from human to human. However, at this time, it not known how easily the virus spreads between people.

Are there human infections with swine flu in the U.S.?

In late March and early April 2009, cases of human infection with swine influenza A viruses were first reported in Southern California and near San Antonio, Texas. Other U.S. states have reported cases of swine flu infection in humans and cases have been reported internationally as well. An updated case count of confirmed swine flu infections in the United States is kept at CDC and local and state health agencies are working together to investigate this situation.

What are the signs and symptoms of swine flu in people?

The symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with swine flu. In the past, severe illness (pneumonia and respiratory failure) and deaths have been reported with swine flu infection in people. Like seasonal flu, swine flu may cause a worsening of underlying chronic medical conditions.

How can someone with the flu infect someone else?

Infected people may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 7 or more days after becoming sick. That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick.

How does swine flu spread?

Spread of this swine influenza A virus is thought to be happening in the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.

By US Drugstore

Friday, June 19, 2009

Tips to Care Hair for Swimmers

It is of utmost importance for the swimmers to take care of their hair because chlorine and salt water are both harmful for hair. The water of the swimming pool contains chlorine and if the swimmer is a navigator then salt water of sea could not be avoided so they should pay attention to their hair otherwise hair that goes untreated will have dry hair and will develop a green color cast on hair. The formation of green color is due to the chemical combination of chlorine and copper sulphate in the hair. Prolong exposure to excessive heat of the sun is also very harmful for your unprotected hair as it causes a chemical reaction called oxidation, which weakens bonds between hair cells, causing hair to become dull and brittle over time.

To avoid any damage to your hair it is important that you take care of your hair regularly by using good shampoo with EDTA that will help to remove the chlorine in water, conditioner and using swimming cap while you are swimming or wearing a hat whenever you are out in the sun. Those who have to work in the open field under the sun they need to avoid highlighting their hair and need to have extensive conditioning of hair. Look for those styling creams, pomades, leave-in conditioners, and shine enhancers with sunscreen that contains the ingredient octyl methoxycinnamate those guard hairs by both absorbing and deflecting harmful rays.

Though you find numerous skin care products that contain SPF that protects your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun but hair product with SPF is still to come in the market. And if any hair care product said to sunscreen your hair then it doesn’t offer total protection as it is difficult to distribute it evenly. Any there are several other options that will protect your hair from ultraviolet rays of the sun and they are hat and some styling products with silicone that smooth the cuticle, fill in gaps, and keeps moisture out leaving an invisible film on the hair that can be washed out easily and so there is no buildup.

If your hair is lifeless mostly on humid days, as it causes curly hair to frizz as well as weighs down straight hair then moisture in the atmosphere is the main reason and if this is not the reason then it may be due to the oiliness of your hair. Make sure to put your hair up in a ponytail since humidity causes hair to swell, and in this condition avoid the use of hair conditioner because it will soak in moisture better. So it could be concluded that you should apply the hair care products after determining the condition of you hair to get the effective result.
By Louise

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sunbathing May Cure Body Acne

There was a time when sun was believed to be the solution for acne and moms used to send their sons out to the tanning salons in order to get rid of acne. And they were right in doing so. It has been medically proved that sunbathing is a great help for acne problems. According to a study by the researchers at the University of California, changes in the level of Vitamin D3 control body's immune response and help in healing the wounded skin.

Vitamin D3 has been found to be of immense help in protecting the skin against infection besides boosting the over all mechanism for repair. Its deficiency may harm your body's immune system.

The best thing about Vitamin D is you get it naturally. You could get it from the sun which is 100 per cent free of cost and excellent source of vitamin D. According to a report, it has been proved that sunbathing is a great help in treating acne faster.

According to the research mentioned above, wounds produce an antimicrobial peptide called "cathelicidin", which is required to control the bacterial overpopulation. This can be done with the help of Vitamin D, which can fight with cathelicidin. Macrophages, the white blood cells, are the focus of the research. These can identify the attacker and when the receptor senses the presence of bacteria, they trigger cathelicidin production.

Keratinocytes, the type of skin cells that are present around the wound are stimulated by the injury. This is done in order to raise the production of Vitamin D3, which, in turn, increases the expression of genes that detect microbes. Cathelicidin can be produced with the help of these genes along with active Vitamin D3, the deficiency of which may lead to more frequent infections in both humans and mice.

Therefore, you may go out sunbathing as a cure for body acne. However, do not overdo it because excess of sunshine is quite capable of harming you. Besides, it is also important that you consult you doctor before you go out to sunbathe, for some skins are more sensitive to sun than others. Therefore, having a medical opinion before you start on it may help you prevent the foreseeable damage.
By Ashish

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Causes of Depression in Women

Depression and women are closely related to each other. Depression in women is undeniable. Depression as a disease affects almost 10 percent of women.

It hampers the social, personal and professional life of women. Women tend to suffer from depression twice as more as their men counterpart. These kind of depressions are a great risk to the mental health, especially among young women. It mainly happens in women as they are in general more emotional than their male counterpart. They pile up loads of emotions in their mind without venting them.


There are several symptoms which can predict whether a woman is under depression or not. When depressed she does not find any interest in activities she enjoyed before. She starts blaming herself for everything and can also have suicidal tendencies. She may feel unwanted.

Depression is usually accompanied with disturbed sleep, change in diet, low concentration and difficulty decision making, impatience and irritation and weakness.

Causes of depression

Women generally suffer from similar kind of depressions. Some of them are explained by the experts as psychological, biological, social causes:

Biological causes include the problem of premenstrual problem such as itchiness, bloating, weakness etc which disturbs their lives. Problem of pregnancy and unproductiveness, issues like unwanted pregnancy, or miscarriage can lead to depression. Some women suffer from the postpartum depression when they experience baby blues.

Social causes include the problem of role strain which means playing different roles at same time, physical and mental abuse, lack of status and power in society, dissatisfaction in relationships and poverty.

Psychological causes include the problem of coping mechanism, stress response, puberty and body image which creates depression in women.

Women suffering from medical illness unable to fulfill her physical needs can result in depression. Any kind of financial crises, imbalance in relationships or any stressful act leads to depressive disorder.

Besides this there are other types of depression which include major depression - the most common depressive disorder. Less severe depressive disorder is dysthymia. Another type of depression is manic-depressive illness which is not very common.

Treatments available

Various treatments are available for depressions, which include Antidepressant medications, Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), Psychotherapy.

Women should consult a doctor about the cause of their depression. Birth control medicines and hormone substitution therapy are also very effective in solving your biological problems.

Interpersonal therapy and cognitive-behavior therapy are really effective in improving personal relationship and making them healthy. This reduces the creation of negative thoughts in your mind.

Women suffering from depression must try and be practical. Don't let negative thoughts come to the mind and make sue you get proper treatment. Go for physical examinations. Make sure you exercise regularly as exercise is the best medicine for your depression.

They tend to flush out your negative radiations and give you positive vibes. Taking regular well balanced nutritious diet also helps in lowering down the depression level. If you are suffering from depression don't wait to act.
By James S

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Risks of Breast Reconstruction

Breast implants are not lifetime devices and cannot be expected to last forever. Some implants rupture in the first few months after being implanted and some rupture after several years, others are intact 10 or more years after the surgery.

When silicone gel-filled implants rupture, some women may notice decreased breast size, nodules (hard knots), uneven appearance of the breasts, pain or tenderness, tingling, swelling, numbness, burning, or changes in sensation. Other women may unknowingly experience a rupture without any symptoms (i.e., "silent rupture").

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with equipment specifically designed for imaging the breast may be used for evaluating patients with suspected rupture or leakage of their silicone gel-filled implant.

Silicone gel, which escapes the fibrotic capsule surrounding the implant, may migrate away from the breast. The free silicone may cause lumps called granulomas to form in the breast or other tissues where the silicone has migrated, such as the chest wall, armpit, arm, or abdomen.

Plastic surgeons usually recommend removal of the implant if it has ruptured, even if the silicone is still enclosed within the scar tissue capsule, because the silicone gel may eventually leak into surrounding tissues. If you are considering the removal of an implant and the implantation of another one, be sure to discuss the benefits and risks with your doctor.

FDA completed a retrospective study on rupture of silicone gel-filled breast implants. This study was performed in Birmingham, Alabama and included women who had their first breast implant before 1988. Women with silicone gel-filled breast implants had a MRI examination of their breasts to determine the status of their current breast implants. The 344 women who received a MRI examination had a total of 687 implants.

Of the 687 implants in the study, at least two of the three study radiologists agreed that 378 implants were ruptured (55%). This means that 69% of the 344 women had at least one ruptured breast implant. Of the 344 women, 73 (21%) had extracapsular silicone gel in one or both breasts.

Factors that were associated with rupture included increasing age of the implant, the implant manufacturer, and submuscular rather than subglandular location of the implant.

Robinson et al. studied 300 women who had their implants for 1 to 25 years and had them removed for a variety of reasons. Visible signs of rupture in 51% of the women studied were found. Severe silicone leakage (silicone outside the implant without visible tears or holes) was seen in another 20%. Robinson et al. also noted that the chance of rupture increases as the implant ages. Other studies indicate that silicone may escape the capsule in 11-23% of rupture cases.

Capsular Contracture
The scar tissue or capsule that normally forms around the breast implant may tighten and squeeze the breast implant. This is called capsular contracture. Over several months to years, some women have had changes in breast shape, hardness, or pain as a result of this contraction. Although this seems to occur to some extent in most women with breast implants, there are no reliable data on how often this happens. If these conditions are severe, more surgery may be needed to correct or remove the breast implants.

Making Breast Cancer Harder to Find
The breast implant could interfere with finding breast cancer during mammography. It may "hide" suspiciouslooking patches of tissue in the breast, making it difficult to interpret results. The breast implant may also make it difficult to perform mammography. Since the breast is squeezed during mammography, it is possible for a breast implant to rupture during the procedure.

It is essential that every woman who has a breast implant tell her mammography technologist before the procedure. The technologist can use special techniques to minimize the possibility of rupture and to get the best possible views of the breast tissue. Because more x-ray views are necessary with these special techniques, women with breast implants will receive more radiation than women without breast implants who receive a normal exam. However, the benefit of the mammogram in finding cancer outweighs the risk of additional x-rays.

Other Known Risks
Calcium Deposits in the Tissue Around the Breast Implant
Calcium depositsmay form in the tissue around a breast implant and may cause pain and hardening of scar tissue. In some cases, these deposits may need to be surgically removed.

Additional Surgeries
You should understand there is a fairly high chance you will need to have additional surgery at some point to replace or remove the breast implant. Also, problems such as rupture, capsular contracture, infection, shifting and calcium deposits can require removal of the breast implants. Discuss the risk of these additional surgeries with your physician. Many women decide to have the breast implants replaced, but some women do not.

Infection can occur with any surgery. The frequency of infection with breast implant surgery is not known, but as a prospective patient, you should ask your physician what his or her experience has been. Most infections resulting from surgery appear within a few days to weeks after the operation.

However, infection is possible at any time after surgery. Infections with foreign bodies present (such as breast implants) are harder to treat than infections in normal body tissues. If an infection does not respond to antibiotics, the implant may have to be removed. After the infection is treated, a new breast implant can usually be put in.

A hematoma is a collection of blood inside the body (in this case, around the breast implant or around the incision). Swelling, pain, and bruising may result. The chance of getting a hematoma is not known, but if you are considering breast implants you should ask your physician about his or her experience. If a hematoma occurs, it will usually be soon after surgery. (It can also occur at any time after injury to the breast.) Small hematomas are absorbed by the body, but large ones may have to be drained surgically for proper healing. Surgical draining causes scarring, which is minimal in most women.

Delayed Wound Healing
In rare instances, the breast implant can stretch the skin abnormally, depriving it of blood supply and allowing the breast implant to push out through the skin. This complication usually requires additional surgery.

Changes in Nipple or Breast Sensation
Changes in sensation may result from breast implant surgery. These changes may be temporary or permanent. They may affect sexual response and the response of the nipple during breast feeding.

Shifting of the Breast Implant
Sometimes an implant may shift from its initial placement, giving the breasts an unnatural look. If the breast implant shifts, it may become possible to feel the breast implant through the skin. Other problems with appearance could include incorrect breast implant size, visible scars, uneven appearance, and wrinkling of the breast implant.

Unknown Risks

Connective Tissue and Related Disorders. These illnesses include autoimmune disorders such as lupus, scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as disorders such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Some women with breast implants have experienced these disorders as well as a variety of symptoms that could be related to the immune system. However, these symptoms may be present without breast implants or connective tissue disease.

It is unclear at this time whether the signs and symptoms experienced by these women are related to their breast implants. In some cases, women have reported a reduction in symptoms after their breast implants were removed; in other cases, there was no change in symptoms after their breast implants were removed. Several human studies have been completed recently, which provide substantial, but not complete, information about any possible link between breast implants and immune-related disorders. These studies provide reassurance that the risk of developing a connective tissue disease due to breast implants is not high.

Taken together, these studies tell us that the vast majority of women with breast implants will not develop defined immune-related disorders from their breast implants. Breast-Feeding and Children. At this time it is not known what effect breast implants have on lactation. Any breast surgery may impair breast feeding. A woman with breast implants who has questions about risks while pregnant or breast feeding should consult her physician. Cancer. At this time, there is no scientific evidence that women with silicone-filled breast implants are more susceptible to cancer than other women.

Two large studies have shown no increase in the incidence of breast cancer in women with breast implants for either augmentation or reconstruction. However, the possibility has not been ruled out and further research is being conducted. Lifetime effects are currently unknown.
By Dave

Friday, June 5, 2009

Guidance For Rock Climber

Rock climbing is a thrilling sport and one that is growing in popularity. Today, people of all ages are taking up this sport for fun, but physically, this sport is very demanding. The many aspects of rock climbing appeal to those pursuing this sport because it can be done indoors as well as outdoors.

Though this sport is safe, but every rock climber has a story to tell about a fall, particularly if he has been climbing outdoors. However, most rock climbing injuries occur to the hands, elbows, tendons and straining causes shoulders. Although these of injuries cannot be prevented, but with proper warm ups and stretch-outs, they can be reduced. You dont have to be a superman and you also dont have to be in great shape to start rock climbing and enjoy yourself, but it is always advisable to use the right rock climbing equipment for the journey ahead.

To get started in this sport, all you need is some equipment such as a harness, ropes, shoes and helmet. Other important equipment includes belays and carabineers. These are the devices that make the ropes easier to use in team climbing and also help to secure solo climbers. Most of the equipment can be rented. Rock-Climbing is a fun sport for kids as well as adults and a guided climb makes a great family outing.

The equipment includes:

Helmet: The most important equipment in rock climbing is the helmet. It protects your head from the debris that falls while you climb and also guards against bumps and bruises caused due to head bangs against the rock surfaces.

Rope: This is probably the most essential equipment. The usual length of the rope should be at least 50 to 60 meters, with a diameter of 10 to 11mm. Before using the rope, ensure that the rope can be stretched under tension, as this is essential in order to protect the climber in the event of a fall.

Shoes: Rock-climbers use special shoes that are strong and fit well.

Harness: A safety-climbing device, which is usually attached to a rope, is called as harness, to stop the climbers fall before he hits the ground. This rope passes through the webbing loops and these loops are the most important parts of the chain that protect the person from falling. The harness is wrapped around your thighs and waist to safeguard you from falling. Chalk powder is rubbed on your hands for a better grip. This chalk powder is stored in the chalk bag, which is hooked to the harness with hooks called as karabiners.

Before buying the safety equipment, you should have thorough information about the gear. There are several rocks climbing books and sites that provide excellent knowledge about all the rock climbing techniques and the equipments required for it. During shopping for rock climbing equipment, the best person to guide you would be a sales person or an experienced instructor. You can also purchase rock-climbing equipment from various online shops. Many people love rock climbing and this sport has transformed from complete obsession to a fun hobby.
By Kris